Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
Alice Rothchild, an American and Jewish writer, said that Netanyahu's re-election was an insult to many progressive Jews which are dissatisfied with his policy and Trump's policies, all of which advocate for the continuation of apartheid and violation of the rights of the Palestinian people.
The article reports on the baptism of the prominent media figure Majdī ‘Allām during the Easter ceremonies.
The article reports on a report published by the U.S.-based America in Arabic news agency about a U.S.-Jewish delegation meeting with the minister of culture to discuss the establishment of a Jewish museum in Cairo to narrate the history of Jews in Egypt.
The author argues that Israel always accuses opponents of anti- Semitism, but that this time, the accusation will not work, as the criticism has come from a prominent Israeli novelist, thinker and former solider, A.B. Yehoshua.
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman was interviewed by Egyptian TV to speak about the role of Western media in reporting on the attack in America. The questions directed at him made it obvious that there is a deep mistrust of Western reporting about the Arab and Islamic world. The interviewer believed that...
The Berlin branch of a Jewish-American Committee made strong accusations about the German media. It claimed that most of what the media published about the Middle East conflict was characterized by anti-Semitism.
American Muslims are about to make their decision regarding the candidate they will vote for in the coming presidential election in November. The stances of the candidates for presidency towards the issue of the Middle East [the Palestinian-Israeli conflict] remains the principal motive that makes...
The leaders of the Zionist and American-Jewish organizations admitted their worries over the increasing power and activities of Islamic organizations in the US. More important and dangerous now is the admission of such restrictive pro-Israeli organizations of being the ones behind the strong media...
The American Jewish Committee expressed its deep frustration at the statement of the bishops of the American Catholic Church regarding the peace process in the Middle East [see article 18 in this RNSAW]. The reason is that, according to the Jewish Committee, the statement did not ask the...
Ninety eighty percent of the US Senate voted for the religious persecution law which forces the White House to take measures against countries accused of practicing any form of religious prosecution. Despite objections to the law while it was being discussed [in Congress] earlier this year, the...
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