Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
This year, Israel is commemorating the Holocaust with signs of growing anti-Semitism in North America and Europe, and harsh criticism of PM Netanyahu for his alliance with his Hungarian counterpart Victor Urban.
    As southern Sudan prepares to vote this week on a possible secession from the north, Sunnī Khālid says that the African-American community is also divided on the issue...      
The article discusses the Armenian genocide during World War One, stressing that unless nations are capable of learning from their history and admitting to their mistakes, that such mistakes will continue to be made in the future.
Upon Pope Shenouda’s declaration concerning Jews being murderers of Jesus Christ, the Anti-Defamation League [ADL] accuses Pope Shenouda of anti-Semitism and stresses the necessity of teaching tolerance not only to Muslims, but to some Christians of the Arab world.
Egyptian TV series ?Knight without a Horse,? is still raising an issue. Egypt and other Arab countries have aired the series despite Israeli objection and American pressure. The American and Israeli embassies in Egypt decided to watch the series to judge whether it contains anything that can be...
Egyptian TV series ?Knight without a Horse? causes a major controversy because it is allegedly based on the book ?Protocols of the Elders of Zion.? Many Jewish groups object to the airing of the series. They asked the US Secretary of State to pressure the Egyptian government to prevent its...
This press review tackles the issue of the crisis of the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published by Jyllands-Posten and the support by a Jewish organization in the United States for the campaign to denounce the publication of the cartoons.
The Jewish Anti- Defamation League (set up by Bnai Brith), an American-Zionist organization, launched an attack against the “Reading for all” project sponsored by Susan Mubarak, Egypt´s first lady. Three books about Palestine were published as part of the project last year. The league...
Islamic civil rights organizations and groups, based in the US, expressed dissatisfaction at the fact that an American Democratic senator distributed a memo among his colleagues saying that terrorist attacks can be stopped if terrorists detained in such operations be buried with the bowels of pigs...
The new U.S. State Department’s office entrusted with monitoring acts of anti-Semitism will apparently focus on the Arab world for several considerations. One of these considerations is that the American report in this concern will be based on material from Zionist organizations like the Anti-...


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