Displaying 111 - 120 of 173.
Al-Maydān claims the Coptic Orthodox Church isolated Bishop Marqus and assigned Bishop Rūfā’īl in his place. Bishop Marques denies this.
Echoes on the conference of ‘Laymen and the Church’ are still eminent in Egyptian media. The review discusses the crisis of Watanī with the church over the participation of the former in covering the conference’s sessions.
The conference about the reform in the Coptic Orthodox Church is still arousing noise. This review presents the comments of Bishop Murqus, the official spokesman of Pope Shenouda III, and other different echoes and comments on the conference.
After the big fuss made about a conference entitled, ‘Laymen and the Church,’ the conference sessions were completed and recommendations were announced. The following lines shed light on the conference sessions, on its final recommendations and on the aroused echoes.
The controversial draft law banning demonstrations inside mosques, recently submitted by the Ministry of Endowments to the Council of State, was the main focus of al-Ahrām’s recent interview with Dr. Mahmūd Hamdī Zaqzūq, the minister of endowments.
The author of the article, Nafīsah ‘Abd al-Fattāh, lashes out at Farūq Husnī, the Egyptian minister of culture, over his anti- Ḥijāb statements in which he described the Ḥijāb as a regressive trend in Egypt.
The Prosecution Office of Appeal’s has finished its investigations into the case filed against al-Ghad newspaper in relation to the supplement published on October 4, 2006 entitled "From ‘Ā’ishah, the mother of believers, to ‘Uthmān Bin ‘Affān: the worst ten figures in Islamic history."...
Drs. Hulsman responds to an article published in al-Usbū‘ which discusses the controversy over hiring Dr. Berenger, who the article refers to as an “American Jew.” Hulsman warns of the dangers of fallacious reporting, and the issues that it can create.
The author discusses the controversy surrounding the appointment of a Jewish- American academic to the Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University.
The review discusses the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hasan al-Bannā, the founder and first guide of the Muslim Brotherhood organization, and counterarguments that al-Bannā was not angry about the 1940s assassination of Judge al- Khāzindār. It also describes the parliamentary battle between...


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