Displaying 61 - 70 of 123.
Although the Muslim Brotherhood has decided to delay the establishment of their long-awaited political party, liberal thinkers attack its political platform, warning that it supports sectarianism.
Through his lawyer, Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn ibrāhīm is threatening three Egyptian newspapers by announcing that he will file claims against them if they do not publish retractions for their “attacks” against Dr. Ibrāhīm.
Fahmī Huwaydī criticizes the Egyptian governmental press for lacking transparency and bending under the pressures of the regime. He refers to media coverage of the recent events of Muslim-Christian sectarian clashes in Alexandria as a case in point.
The article criticizes the head of the Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies, Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, for defaming his country by issuing fake reports about internal problems within Egypt and for contacting the U.S. in an attempt to reduce the annual aid that Egypt receives.
The prominent Egyptian intellectual Tareq Heggy wrote about a number of topics related to the developments in the Egyptian and Arab arenas, showing his impressions and opinions on these critical issues.
The article is based on a listing of articles that talk about the Muftī of the Republic Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah and his Fatwá which believes that drinking from Prophet Muhammad’s urine bestowed blessings. Despite the fact that the Islamic Research Academy has asked the Muftī to withdraw this claim, he...
The article talks about the heated electoral campaigns that characterize the struggle between Muslim Brotherhood’s candidates and those of the ruling National Democratic Party to win the race of the Shūrá Council elections.
The article provides a listing of articles on two controversial Fatwás issued by the Muftī of Egypt and a professor at the Azhar University. The first fatwá says that the prophet’s urine used to be given to his companions for blessings. The second one urges working women to breastfeed their male co...
The article is based on a listing of articles that tackle two controversial fatwás issued by two prominent Islamic scholars. The first Fatwá was issued by Dr. ‘Izzat ‘Atīyah, the head of the Hadīth Department of the Faculty of Usūl al-Dīn [Fundamentals of Religion] at the Azhar University. The...
The article provides a list of articles on the reactions to the Sharm al-Sheikh attacks published in the Egyptian press.


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