Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
On Thursday, Egyptian papers focused not only on the aftermath of the New Year’s Day Alexandria church bombing, but also the alleged torture death of Sayīd Bilāl, a Salafī suspect in the case...  
The article is a continuation in a series of articles thatdiscuss the problem of the Christian-born twins, Mario and Andrew, whose father’s conversion to Islam forced them to be registered as Muslims against their will.
The article is part 9 of a series of articles presenting the memoir of Talāl al - Ansārī, an Islamist, who writes about the time he spent in prison.
Al-Akhbar and Al-Ahram paid special attention to Coptic New Year’s Day. The articles published in both papers touched upon how the Coptic calendar began, how it relates to the Pharaonic calendar and the story of Emperor Diocletian, during whose rule many Christians were put to death.
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