Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
The Ministry of Awqāf managed to take back al-Nūr mosque pulpit after the salafī movement snatched it away during the past Fridays. After Friday prayers clashes had erupted between security forces and the military on one hand and the salafists on the other. [Reviewer's Note: News story was also...
A march of thousands of people started from al-Nūr mosque to the U.S. embassy in Cairo/Egypt condemning the death of al-Qā'idah leader Usāmah Bin Lādin. Shaykh Hāfiz Salāmah, the leader of the protesters, went to the embassy first by car and did not participate in the march because of his old age...
Followers of salafī leader Hāfiz Salāmah prevented the imām of al-Nūr mosque in al-'Abāsīyah from ascending the mosque pulpit to give the Friday sermon. Salāmah ascended the pulpit to prevent Turk from giving the sermon, asserting that the pulpit of al-Nūr mosque will not be ascended by anyone...
A few thousands salafists gathered in front of al-Nūr mosque in 'Abāsīyah on April 19, 2011, demanding the returning of Kāmīliyā Shihātah. After the protest, salafists rallied from the mosque to the headquarter of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, chanting slogans against Coptic Pope...
Some Muslims intend to demonstrate in front of the mosque of "The leader Ibrahim" in Alexandria asking for the release of Kamilia.  
The Ministry of Endowments cancelled a lecture by Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā yesterday at the al-Nūr mosque in ‘Abbāsiyyah, Cairo. The reason behind the cancellation was that the ministry fears al-‘Awwā might once again make controversial comments such as those made when he was responding to...
Demonstrations for the Kamilia Shehata incident were held outside the Al-Kaed Ibrahim Mosque in Alexandria by two groups. One group was led by Dr. Mohamed Mohey El-Din who is rumored to be running for presidency in the upcoming elections. Those praying at the mosque confronted some demonstrators...
The author criticizes the Minister of Endowment’s decisions to nationalize the call to prayer, optional prayers during Ramadān and religious discourse.
It is claimed that the extremists and the fanatic Islamic groups control faculty mosques. Yet, all university principals emphasize that they fully control them, especially since most of their Imams are appointed by the Ministry of Endowments [Awqaf].
Dr. Mohammed Emara, the Islamic thinker, explained that the Islamic opening of Egypt gave its people life and saved them from the Byzantine despotism and persecution, and gave back the Copts their freedom and church, after they had been hunted fugitives. He stressed that without Islam there would...
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