Displaying 11 - 20 of 34.
An interview with Dr. Abdel-Sabour Shahin, author of the controversial book "My father Adam", after the recent rejection of the case to ban the publishing of his book. Here he talks about the comparison of the case to a similar case he brought against Dr. Nasr Abu-Zeid some years ago, and about...
The Cairo Emergency Court decided yesterday to reject the court case to ban the book "My Father Adam" written by Dr. Abdel-Sabour Shahin. The court said that there was no direct and personal benefit for the plaintiff.
Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin has two court cases against him due to the publication of his book ’My Father Adam... The Story Of Creation Between Myth And Truth’, claiming in it that Adam is not the father of humankind, but the father of reasoning man, and that he was born of a father and a mother. Those...
This is the story of the most famous sixteen books which were confiscated throughout this century because of the taboos in our society (on religion, sex, and politics) which stand, like a sword on the neck, in front of everyone who has a certain opinion while the freedom allowed in the Arab world,...
Interview with Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, Grand Sheikh of the Azhar, about a range of actual subjects in Egypt, including regulating pilgrimage, his opposition to the embargo of Iraq, religious censorship, the new magazine of the Azhar, a fatwa on taking loans, presenting religious personalities...
The court for urgent appeals decided yesterday to delay the case about confiscating the book of Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin "My father Adam".
The Islamic Research Institute decided that what the author wrote was an effort to understand the Qur’anic text. " The committee does not agree to some of the contents of this effort but the committee does not see that the author has contradicted the basis of Faith or religion.
The final curtain was drawn on the case concerning Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin’s book "My Father Adam... The Story of Creation between Fantasy And Reality" after the committee formed by the Islamic Research Academy decided that what the author wrote was a attempt to understand the Qur’anic text and...
Dr. Mohammed Al-Ahmadi Aboul Nour, who is a professor of Hadith and the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an, the dean of Al-Azhar University Girls’ College and the former Minister of Religious Affairs, is poised to refute all the arguments made by Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin in his recently-published and...
Wa’el Ibrashi got hold of the report the Azhar prepared about Abdel Sabour Shahin and discovered that the report can provide a new charter of freedom of speech, thought and " ijtihad " , bringing to a halt an approach of hunting down intellectuals, thinkers and artists as disparagingly tackling...


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