Displaying 2191 - 2200 of 5765.
This article concerns the new movie by Amīr Shākir called “Azazel” and his desire to have the movie aired on Egyptian TV.  
Anba Barnaba, Bishop of Rome, talks to Watani about the Copts in Italy and those in Egypt. He speaks of immigration, integration, discrimination, and the Egyptian nationality for all Copts.
Al-Musawir reports on the Shūrá elections.
In this interview, Ibrāhīm Hilāl, professor of Egyptian law at the University of Paris, continues his discussions on the Coptic affair in Egypt.
لا يقبل البابا شنودة البدع الحديثة ويرى خطورتها انها تصدر من أشخاص داخل الكنيسة أو كانوا كذلك والأخطر أنهم يعبرون بها عن الايمان الارثوذكسي لذلك لم يجد أفضل من أن يؤلف كتابا كاملا من 223 صفحة رصد فيه 7 بدع حديثة - على حد قوله - وقام بالرد عليها بما يكشفها حتى لا يصبح ناشروها حكماء في أعين انفسهم...
The author reports on a Holy Synod session in which discussed the decision of whether to sustain Bishop Kyrillos of Naj‘ Hammādī was discussed.
A miraculous icon of the Holy Virgin in Port Said has been giving out scented oil for twenty years.
The article covers the weekly sermon of Pope Shenouda of Alexandria.
The Egyptian Ministry of Education and Teaching has decided to lead a change in the religious education curricula. The considered amendments will concentrate more on moral values in general. The decision created controversial reactions, especially for Azhar scholars. However, the muftī of Egypt...
The author criticizes Abū Islam Ahmad ‘Abd Allāh who considers his attacks against Christianity a kind of jihād.


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