Displaying 5271 - 5280 of 5776.
Sub-title: ’Hamas has insisted on its position, which justified taking measures to protect Jordan’s security’ His Majesty King Abdullah on Sunday said the Hamas issue will be resolved soon, but noted that there can be no return to the former situation, stressing that recent measures taken by the...
The military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas threatened on November 6 to renew attacks in response to Israel’s Jewish settlement policies. The statement containing the warning was issued two days before Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization began talks on November 8.
The Makkah-based Muslim World League (MWL) has warned against claims that the world would come to an end on the advent of the new millennium, as asserted by some people who say that they have gleaned this from the Torah, the Holy Bible, the Holy Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah.
129,292 copies of the Qur`an and its translation [will be given] to a number of institutions world wide.
Pope John Paul, expected to visit Iraq early in 2000, inveighed yesterday against continued sanctions against Baghdad, saying many Iraqis had died because of lack of medicines. "I wish to express once against my solidarity with the Iraqi people and I am particularly close in prayer and hope to the...
The Palestinian National Authority on Saturday said Israel was fueling a row between Muslims and Christians over a planned mosque near a main Christian site in Nazareth to upset Millennium festivities.
Saudi Arabia’s interior minister said in remarks published Saturday he did not see any threat to the kingdom from dissident Osama bin Laden, wanted by the United States for last year’s embassy bombings in Africa.
Business executives in Saudi Arabia continue to transfer tens of millions of dollars to bank accounts linked to Osama bin Laden, accused of last year’s U.S. embassy bombings in East Africa, USA Today reported Friday.
Jordanian authorities have arrested a leading activist of the militant Palestinian group Hamas who had been on the run since an official clampdown in August on the organization, Islamist sources said yesterday.
In a hotel ballroom turned makeshift mosque, family members of the Muslim victims of the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990 prayed on Friday for the souls of the dead. "Everything that falls between life and death is the will of God," said Hihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-...


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