Displaying 5381 - 5390 of 5776.
It is often mentioned that Islam is a religion which establishes a complete code of serious morality. It wants its followers to maintain and operate that code in their own social life, so that their dealings and their ties are established on the basis of Islam. The seriousness of Islamic morality...
An Egyptian-Japanese team unearthed a mosque in South Sinal which dates back to the ninth century A.D. Archeologists believe that the mosque is the oldest one ever built in the Sinai.
Eighty-five per cent of road accidents are a result of human error, 5% are caused by deficient roads and 10% are due to faulty vehicles. However, many put most of the blame on the government. Mild penalties were singled out as a major factor behind the phenomenon.
While the buck is passed around and new legislation discussed, two fatal car crashes this week killed 19 people.
Father Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed was one of the great opponents of the wrong ways of management inside the church. Hence, he was punished for his sins after he died.
The Greek Orthodox Bishop of the Sinai, Bishop Damyanous, confirmed that Pope John Paul the second will visit Sinai. He said that the Pope will visit the places where Moses was before. This visit will happen after his visit to Iraq.
Opposition to Pope John Paul’s possible trip to Iraq widened Thursday when Iraqi dissident groups joined the United States and Jewish leaders in expressing concern about the visit.
An American report on religious freedom in the world is fabricated by the United States in order to punish the countries that do not agree with its policy. In addition to that, this report is very sensitive and causes religious sensitivity and discrimination among the people who belong to the same...
A monk from the Monastery of al-Muharaq died through unknown bullets when he was in the fields that were near the monastery.
Father Aghnatious Al-Muharaqi, a monk from the Monastery of al-Muharaq in Qussia (in the governorate of Assiout), died through unknown bullets.


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