Date of source: الخميس, آب (اغسطس) 21, 2014
A delegation of the EvangelicalChurch has visited the Suez Canal site.
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The main issues in Sudan at the time (and some are still relevant today) were the unity of South Sudan, self-determination, peace and war, religious/political persecution against Christians and South Sudanese and the Sharīʿah Law. A Southern Sudanese and former Member of Parliament...
Date of source: الأحد, كانون الثاني (يناير) 1, 2006
Dr. ʿAlī al-Sammān was born in 1929. He is an Egyptian professor who has lived in France and received his Ph.D. Dr. al-Sammān has participated in a large number of seminars and dialogues, and his activities stem from his belief in the importance of dialogues and meetings dealing with Islam and the...
Date of source: الخميس, شباط (فبراير) 7, 2013
As a minority within a state dominated by Muslims, Coptic Christians are regularly pictured in Western media as “the oppressed community”. Although a certain degree of discrimination is practiced against Egyptian Christians in their country, Arab-West Report has found that reports on cases when...
Date of source: الاثنين, تموز (يوليو) 23, 2012
[Editor: Samir Mitri Gayed is an accomplished Egyptian Coptic Orthodox businessman, founder and director of Electro Mitry Company, a company with the largest share in nuclear energy development in Egypt]
Until I came to know the work of Cornelis Hulsman on the Holy Family tradition I was hardly...