Displaying 41 - 50 of 72.
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) Shūrá Council decides on their political party [Freedom and Justice] leader on April 29, 2011. On the other hand, Muhammad al-Barād'ī's statements, asking the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to add an article in the constitution that assures the civil nature...
According to the article at hand, Muslim Brotherhood (MB) Guidance Council Member Dr. ‘Abd al- Mun’im Abū al-Futūh recently explained that the MB’s decision to establish a political party was “risky.” “Involving religious values in party competition sometimes hurts and devalues the latter, causing...
Muslim Brotherhood (MB) member Hāzim Fārūk explained the widespread absence of MB members from Coptic Easter celebrations, explaining that the group was not invited by the Coptic Church. He pointed out that some MB members nevertheless visited churches on Easter Sunday to congratulate the priests....
The Muslim Brotherhood intends to forward its party’s official founding application to the Egyptian Political Parties Affairs Committee in May 2011. The party’s leaders announced that joining the Freedom and Justice Party requires handing in proxy documents, adding that several Copts and women have...
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is officially announcing their Freedom and Justice party in May and will hand its documents to the Political Parties' Affairs Committee. The MB warned of conspiracies by the former regime's remnants, who were disclosed on the Friday of Purging and the protests that...
Revolution coalitions and political powers attacked the Muslim Brotherhood for their controversial statements about applying hudūd and declaring Egypt as an Islamic state, demanding an apology from the group.
On Wednesday April 13, the Muslim Brotherhood Murshid (Guide) Muhammad Badī’ announced that the MB would be capable of winning 75 percent of seats in Egypt’s upcoming parliamentary elections. He stressed that the MB would nevertheless contain itself, competing for no more than a third of...
Dr. Maḥmūd Ḥusayn, Secretary General of the Muslim Brotherhood group, says that Copts and women will be among the founders of the Freedom and Justice Party. Meanwhile, Dr. 'Isām al-'Iryān, the spokesperson of the MB, says that there are several meetings held between Copts and the MB but there is...
Al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmīyah announced that it would turn over a new leaf in relations with Copts, tourists and policemen, affirming that Copts are partners in the nation. Furthermore, they denied any plans to apply the hudūd. Read original text  [Reviewer's Note: News story was also covered in al-...
According to journalist Hānī al-Wazīrī, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has announced that women and Copts are among the founding members of its political party. Furthermore, MB spokesman 'Isām al-'Iryān said that the group’s current meetings with Coptic leaders are part of the MB’s broader initiative...


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