Displaying 11 - 13 of 13.
Al-Minya's new governor, Maj. General Samīr Sallām, gave the thumbs up to embark on procedures to license the construction of a new archbishopric and annexes over an area of 4300 meters in the city of Maghāghah, capping a 14-month-old crisis. Archpriest Ezra Fanjarī, the deputy head of the...
 The bishop of Maghagha states that he will appeal to a supreme authority to put en end to the conflict between him and the governor of Minia.  
The Monastery of Al-Muharraq in Qusia hosted an Iftar dinner attended by a delegation from the Journalists Syndicate and a number of thinkers and writers as part of the annual meeting between the monks of the monastery and members of the Journalists Syndicate organized by the monastery.


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