Displaying 71 - 80 of 152.
Dr. Mukhtār Gum’ah, Minister of Endowments, has approved sending 14 new imams abroad to spread moderate Islam. Dr. Mukhtār Gum’ah stated that these imams represent the Ministry of Endowments in all continents in order to spread moderate Islam (Nāddir Abu al- Futūh, al- Ahrām, March 20). Read...
President ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī led the prayers of ‘Īd al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) yesterday at the mosque of Leadership of the Egyptian Air Force. Minister of Religious Endowments Muhammad Mukhtār Jum‘a said in his sermon that there were two great meanings for Ramadan, the first divine, as people...
Mustafá ‘Izat Hamdīn, the imam of ‘Amr Ibn al-‘As Mosque, was referred for questioning by the representative of the Ministry of Endowments in Cairo, Jabir Tayi’. The imam is being investigated for having left work and allowed someone else to take his place, without prior agreement from the Ministry...
Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah assured that the kufār in the times of Jāhilīyyah (pre- Islamic times) used to respect the harām months and prohibit killing during those months.
 Nādir Bakkār, assistant chairman of the Nūr Party, has claimed that the Minister of Religious Endowments, Muhammad Mukhtār Jum‘a, is acting against the interests of President ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī. He criticized his measures, stating that ordinary citizens were wondering why mosques were closed...
In celebration of ‘Id al-fitr,  the Minister of Endowments, Dr. Muhamad Mukhtār Gom’ah issued a decision yesterday to spend two million Egyptian LE to help poor people registered in national and local authorities. Dr. Gom’ah also assigned Dr. Jūdah Basyūnī, former instructor at the College of...
Al- Azhar has honored Counselor Adly Mansūr, former interim president, for his dedication and devotion in the service of the homeland
Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah, Minister of Endowments, stated that the religious discourse has been abducted by unspecialized non-Azharites.
Despite the Ministry of Endowments’ perseverance in regaining control over the country’s religious podiums, reinstating its independent laws regarding the right to preach in mosques, and its long fight with the Salafī organization regarding this matter, the Ministry has agreed to grant ten Salafī...
The Azhar, Dār al-Iftā’ and the Ministry of Endowments demanded punishment for those responsible for the death of several members of the security forces in the town of al-Farāfara in the governorate ‘NewValley’.


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