Displaying 1 - 10 of 12.
Nāddir Bakkār, assistant of the President of the Nūr Party for media, stated that it is unlikely that his party forms a coalition with parties of the NASL.
Shaykh Yāssir al-Burhāmī, vice president of al- Da’wah al-Salafiyah, has issued a new fatwá, stating that watching sinful movies is permissible, as long as one denounces them in one’s heart. He said he would not allow people to be deemed as unbelievers for participating in television programs that...
 Nādir Bakkār, assistant chairman of the Nūr Party, has claimed that the Minister of Religious Endowments, Muhammad Mukhtār Jum‘a, is acting against the interests of President ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī. He criticized his measures, stating that ordinary citizens were wondering why mosques were closed...
The congratulation that Nāddir Bakkār Nūr Paty leader has made to Christians on his Twitter account has caused controversy in the party. Some of the party leaders rejected that congratulation and stated that it is a mistake (Sa’īd Hijāzy, al- Watan, Jan. 3, p. 5). Read original text in Arabic. http...
Youths from the Salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party and al-Da'wah al-Salafīyah (Salafī Call) group rejected the expulsion of Christians from al-'Āmrīyah, according to al-Nūr's official spokesman Nādir Bakkār. "The Salafīs have defended the Christians, protected them from local residents' wrath and...
Salafīs have saved the village of Sharbāt, al-Nahdāh neighborhood, in the western Alexandria district of al-'Āmrīyah, from a conflagration that could have consumed everyone in its way, said the spokesman for the Salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party, the second largest in the Egyptian parliament. 
  Interviewer: Quinta Smit   Language of interview: Unknown (original interview), English (presented transcript)   Transcript: Quinta Smit   Approval: requested and no objection received   Nādir Bakkār, Spokesman of the Nūr-Party, explains what the term Islamist means to him and how Islam should in...
A leading Salafist said that the West knows well that dignity and progress of the nation lies in the implementation of the sharī’ah, for the sake of which lives can be sacrificed. “We are ready to lose our lives for the sake of implementing the sharī’ah and we welcome martyrdom in order to attain...
On August 30, 2015, week 36, AWR published Part One of Kāmel `Abd al-Fatāh's “ Religion and Politics in Egypt”. AWR is happy to publish Part Two:  Egyptians were always remarkably rich in understanding of the Divine and His message to them. They understood the Divine Law operating in Nature all...
 The Parliamentary Elections in Egypt are planned for the people, but the exact date is yet to be announced by President Muḥammad Mursī


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