Displaying 1111 - 1120 of 1654.
Egyptian Interior Minister, Habīb al-‘Ādlī speaks out on a number of controversial issues, including the surprise win of Hamās in the Palestinian parliamentary elections, claims about the deaths of 19 detainees in Egyptian prisons and the increasing role of the Muslim Brotherhood on the political...
The author is reviewing the crisis of the opposition newspapers, which he argues are victims of the power struggle inside political parties.
President of the U.S. Copts Association, Michael Munīr, has been severely criticized over his recent visit to Egypt and his meeting with a number of top officials. A number of expatriate Coptic activists have seen Munīr’s visit as "an act of betrayal of the Coptic cause.” Others have regarded the...
In an interview with al-‘Arabī, 38-year-old Coptic activist Michael Munīr asserts that he will continue fighting for Coptic rights.
The author is discussing the relations between Muslims and Copts in the early 20th century, and the intellectuals who had played a role in brining them together and ending sectarian problems through dialogue.
The article gives an account and a brief history of the most influential contemporary figures of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, particularly those in the Irshād [Guidance] Office.
Uncommon in Egyptian press, al-Dustour publishes excerpts of the Human Rights Watch report on Egypt, 2005, revealing many problems in Egypt.
Political analyst, researcher, author and executive editor of the Egyptian weekly Watanī International Majdī Khalīl, known for his books on citizenship rights, civil society and the position of minorities in the Middle East, speaks out many on Coptic grievances to al-Dustour.
The domination of the pope on the Millī Council and its candidates is the subject of criticism by the author of the article.
Many Azhar scholars have rejected female circumcision and even criminalized it based on the notion that the practice has never been a duty or obligation in Islam and there are no texts in the Qur’ān or sunna [the Prophet Muhammad’s tradition] that encourage it.


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