Displaying 1211 - 1220 of 1654.
The article written about Bishop Bishoi proves beyond doubt that the religious knowledge of its author is very limited. It seems that there is a personal dispute [between the article’s author and Bishop Bishoi]. Christianity teaches us not to judge in order not to be judged but the words of Samir...
Some Western thinkers believe that the conflict between Islam and the West is mainly a civilization-related conflict due to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunna and because Islam obliges Muslims to practice jihad against non-Muslims. That is why the West adopts an attitude of hatred and bigotry...
The prominent preacher Dr. Al-Ahmadi Abu Al-Nour, former Egyptian Minister of Awqaf [Religious Endowments] stressed that Muslims are the enemies of no one and that over the course of history Muslims have maintained a policy of co-existence and dialogue with ‘others’ [non-Muslims]. Abu Al-Nour said...
Of the types of authority present in the Islamic state, the one which most demonstrates the civil aspect is the executive authority. This was seen in the government of the Prophet and the Orthodox caliphs after him. The eras of the Prophet and the Orthodox caliphs are the true examples for the...
Last week, two martyrdom operations lead to the killing of 16 Israelis, and in Iraq, 12 Nepalis and three Turks were killed. All the bloodshed produced by these incidents is the product of violence, oppression and the disregard for humanity dignity. The real “terrorism” that the nations of Iraq,...
Indeed, not all Muslims are terrorists but regrettably most terrorists around the world are Muslims. [Muslims] have a bad record. Does that not say something about ourselves and our societies and culture? This is a very harsh situation. What we have to do is to acknowledge those acts and not deny...
What has happened to us that has made our youth become professional kidnappers and assassins, and made suicide operations a means of resistance and expression? I ask this question and think about the Iraqi scenario where many European journalists and Turkish and Asian workers have been killed in...
Muslim immigrants abroad are looked upon by the West as a group whose culture calls for violence and terrorism. Immigrant group’s adherence to the Islamic dress and their tendency to reside in closed residential areas so as not to mix with the natives [Europeans] enhanced this belief in the minds...
On August 30, “Al Manar Al Gadeed” magazine published an article written by Aboud Al-Zomor about reform in Egypt. The article is particularly significant because Al-Zomor was a main participant in the assassination of [former president] Anwar Al-Sadat. Al-Zomor’s article differs from what the Gama’...
An unprecedented wave of hate crimes is spreading throughout Europe, particularly in France, targeting Arab and Muslim cemeteries. Attackers have destroyed gravestones and defaced them by drawing swastikas and writing message of hatred. Concerned authorities have not found a clear explanation of...


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