Displaying 1241 - 1250 of 1654.
Dr. Larry Levine responds to questions about different Jewish denominations, conversion to Judaism in the past and the Israeli Law of Return.
The exaggeration about the comparison between the role of traditional Islam and the Coptic Orthodox Church is simple. It is not the difference in attitude but in numbers/statistics. Copts simply do not have the numbers to seek power as Islamists do.
Father Basilius of the Monastery of Makarius responds to the articles of Dr. John Watson [week21] and Amīr Mīlād [week 22] about the Wādī al-Rayyān, providing more details, showing the hierarchical structure of the church that does not accept individual monks going their own way.
In his last Friday sermon in Doha, Shaykh Yousuf al-Qaradāwī indicated that it may be his last this season and revealed that the Qatari TV had erased all his previous speeches.
It was an astonishing and embarrassing episode to see the absence of the Arab World from the battle for an academic boycott of Israeli universities. Only Palestinian academics pursued the efforts to continue the British academic boycott against Israeli academia.
‘Amr Khlālid emerged to present a model and an idol for Muslim youth seeking modernity and moderation. He didn’t look or dress like classical clerics, and spoke the language of the poor and unprivileged, and gave hope to the hopeless.
Dr. Shaykh ‘Alī Jum‘ā, Muftī of Egypt, said that Islam has limited polygamy. In a Hadīth reported by Sālim, his father, Ghaylān Ibn Salāma al-Thaqafī, had ten concubines when he embraced Islam. The Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] told him to “chose only four of them” to marry.
Muhammad al-Najjār presents an over all picture of the new political movements in Egypt that demand a comprehensive political-constitutional reform in Egypt.
Interview with Amīr Mīlād, a Christian desert guide, about the monks in the Wādī al-Rayyān. Amīr Mīlād adds information to the article of Dr. John Watson in AWR, 2005, week 20.
An Al-ʾAsbū‘ article published on January 31, 2005, reinforces a widespread belief that Americans are trying to use Egypt’s Christians to create a wedge between Muslims and Christians with the purpose of weakening Egypt. The article lacks accuracy but shows Egyptian distrust of US involvement in...


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