Displaying 1311 - 1320 of 1654.
Between 1957 and 1962, the Muslim Brotherhood members started debating the question of whether Gamal Abdel Nasser is considered a Muslim or not. Some members of the group who have escaped the arrest campaigns by Nasser in 1954, were plotting to take revenge from the blow that was dealt to them by...
The problems around Taha al-’Ameda were discussed in length in the program “In Depth” on channel 1, immediately after the evening news on Monday May 31. The program provides well-documented subjects, is well viewed and respected. “In Depth” gave with approximately 45 minutes a substantial amount of...
The religious question resurfaced in the intellectual and political processes in Europe in the last period. The religious question is inevitable in two situations: in the system of religious symbols in public schools and in references to religion in the new forthcoming European constitution....
The first Egyptian Islamic caravan left Cairo yesterday to hold meetings with British organizations on an eight-day tour to correct mistaken ideas about Islam.
The Arab and foreign media were shocked by the Iranian Shura Council’s approval of a draft of a new law that gives equal portions of inheritance to men and women. Shi’ite scholars in Egypt, Lebanon, and other Arab countries confirmed that the new proposed law concerns only inheritance cases where...
The Arab-American Committee Against Discrimination in the U.S. protested Webster’s Dictionary altering the meaning of “anti-Semitism” in its new edition. The “anti-Semitism” entry in the dictionary designates anyone who is against Israel and sympathizes with its enemies as anti-Semitic.
During Lent in 1976, the restoration and enlargement of the church of St. Macarius at the Monastery of Abu Maqqar [St. Macarius], the relics of John the Baptist and Elijah were found next to the sanctuary of Pope Benjamin.
Throughout the past years, the Muslim Brotherhood has tried to control many media outlets. For example, they tried to control Al-Haqiqa newspaper that is published by Al-Ahrar party, but they failed. They have also tried to control Al-Nour newspaper by making a deal with the editor to publish five...
The Court of Appeals reached its decision in the case of Al-Kosheh after examining the appeals made by the accused for the second time. The Court decided to uphold the verdict issued by the Sohag Criminal Court which sentenced the top suspect Fayiz Muhammad Abdel Reheem to thirteen years in prison...
A group of scholars and intellectuals traveled last week to Europe in order to “improve the image of Islam and Muslims” in Western public opinion. The program aims at eliminating mistaken ideas about Islam. This coincided with an agreement taken by a number of Muslim businessmen in Canada and the U...


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