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Political and social theorist Sir Isaiah Berlin famously compared nationalism to a ‘bent twig’, ‘forced down so severely that when released, it lashed back wit
Date of source: الخميس, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 25, 2012
Christian denominations exhorted President Muhammad Mursī that school syllabi include all epochs of Egyptian history, including the Coptic one, said Dr. Safwat al-Bayādī, the head of the Coptic Evangelical church.
Date of source: الاثنين, أيلول (سبتمبر) 24, 2012
Michel Aoun, a former Lebanese army commander and currently a politician and leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, warned that changing the regime of Syrian President Bashār al-Assad would wreak havoc with Lebanon and the Christians living inside it.
Date of source: الجمعة, كانون الثاني (يناير) 12, 2018
Atheism in Egypt has generated widespread debates in the printed media as well as on social networking websites following the 25 January 2011 Revolution, amid the growing feeling of a large sector of Egyptians of freely expressing their ideas and religious beliefs, and a shock for the Egyptian...
Date of source: الأربعاء, شباط (فبراير) 28, 2018
Following a Facebook post, published by a group called ‘Anā Min al-Ḍāhir’ (I am from the district al- Ḍāhir), announced that an agreement was met with the Jewish community in Egypt to tour 3 Jewish synagogues in Cairo and visit the premises from the inside.
Date of source: السبت, شباط (فبراير) 24, 2018
During the symposium organized by the daily newspaper Ṣada al-Balad, Egyptian movie star Tāmir ʿAbd Al-Munʿim said that he very often visited the former President Mubarak to stand by him in his ordeal, stressing that he was brought up never to insult or disrespect an elderly person or to be...
Date of source: الأربعاء, شباط (فبراير) 21, 2018
Egypt’s train station on Ramses square is considered one of the busiest places in Egypt nowadays. For those who know it nowadays, it is hard to imagine what the station was like decades ago, when the press was boasting that there were 17.000 travelers passing back and forth through the station...
Date of source: الثلاثاء, كانون الثاني (يناير) 2, 2018
Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, director of the Ibn Khaldūn Centre, traveled to Israel to participate in a symposium on Egypt organized by the Tel Aviv University.
Dubbed ‘Political Upheaval in Egypt: A History Reconsidered’, former ambassador to Israel in Egypt and currently teaching at the Israeli...
Date of source: الثلاثاء, كانون الثاني (يناير) 2, 2018
The General Egyptian Book Organization (GEBO) published a new book entitled ‘The Egyptian society and western culture 1798-1952’ written by researcher Muḥammad Rajab Tammām.
Date of source: الثلاثاء, كانون الثاني (يناير) 1, 2019
The women of Egypt: they strove for their political rights and they conducted campaigns for the sake of having women representatives in the committee formulating the Egyptian Constitution of 1954. They were able to have their representatives in the Parliament, at the time known as the National...