Displaying 261 - 270 of 1654.
About two kilometers west of the Necropolis of al-Bijawāt is situated the Monastery of Mustafa Kashif. It was named after a governor of the oasis during the Mamluk period.
The New York Times reviewed the life story of Doria Shafik [Durriyā Shafīq] who led Egypt’s women’s liberation movement in the mid-1940s; she is the founder of a feminist organization, and earned a doctorate in philosophy from the Sorbonne University. Shafīq was also the editor-in-chief of two...
Many Egyptians take pride in having Turkish origins. This may be true because Egypt remained under the Ottoman rule for over 7 centuries during which the life of the Egyptians was influenced in all its aspects. In fact, Egypt was conquered by people of many races and nationalities. But it contained...
On Tuesday, 28 August, the House of Egyptian Architecture at Darb al-Labbāna in Central Cairo organizes a lecture dubbed ‘An Overview of the Ideology and Philosophy of Church Architecture in the Coptic Era’.
Thanks to the Egyptian historian and writer, Muḥammad Shuʿayr’s book entitled “The Making of Najīb Maḥfūz’ Forbidden Novel: ‘Awlād Ḥaritnā’”, that the reader discovers how Najīb Maḥfūz precipitates further controversy about politics, religion, courage and cowardice. The book is the first of a...
We now face a complex and contradictory scene; while we have the political will to directly support women, we are also confronted with a flood of extremist fatwās that are aimed at undermining women and their role in society.  Generations of young extremists without an identity are being formed as...
The Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates the coming of St. Severus [Sāwīris] the Great, the Patriarch of Antioch, to Egypt.  St. Severus the Great came to Egypt in the fifth century AD to strengthen the believers and their churches during a difficult period of persecution by the Emperor Constantine...
Al-Dustūr publishes “The Seven Pillars of the Egyptian Identity”, a book written by Dr. Mīlād Ḥannā that forms the focus of the World Youth Forum of 2018. It seeks to confirm the cohesion of the Egyptian societal fabric in spite of its diversity. The reason behind the selection of the book for the...
ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ʿAbd al-Nāṣir said that the deceased leader achieved freedom and social justice and ensured education and health for all citizens without distinction. The revolution he led is "purely humanitarian" as he expressed.
One of the oldest and most important churches in the republic and the world, and was part of the journey of the Holy Family in Egypt. According to priest Mattiyās Murīs, the church was prepared under the supervision of Patriarch Buṭrus Buṭrus Basṭūrūs, under-Secretary General of the Diocese of Kafr...


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