Displaying 271 - 280 of 1654.
"Together for Egypt" Conference launched at Ain Shams University Conference Center in the presence of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Khālid ʿAbd al-Ghaffār on behalf of Prime Minister Muṣṭafā Madbūlī. Local Development Minister Maḥmūd Shʿarāwī, Minister of Youth and Sports...
The first scientific forum dedicated to the antiquities of the Sinai Peninsula and the Canal cities was organized this October under the direction of the Minister of Antiquities Dr. Khālid al-ʿAnānī.  Al-Waṭan presents the following review of the most prominent of these diverse monuments from...
“Coptic Mawlids, or the festivities celebrating the birth of Coptic saints: A field study of popular beliefs” by Dr. Dāwūd Makram was recently issued by the General Egyptian Book Organization under the chairmanship of Dr. Haytham al-Ḥājj ʿAlī.  The book is numbered thirty-four under “Popular...
Action is being taken to revive the Congregational Council [al-Majlis al-Millī], which has been suspended since the January 2011 revolution.  Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of St. Mark, has commissioned Coptic Church Advisor Munṣif Sulaymān to draft new regulations to organize...
Kamāl Shātīlā, chairman of the Lebanese Popular Congress, said in an interview with “al-Waṭan” that the death of President Jamāl ʿAbd al-Nāṣir was a total catastrophe for Egypt, the Arab nation, and the third world countries, stressing that Nāṣir was a symbol for the dreamers of freedom and...
The Union of Copts for the Homeland has announced its endorsement of General Abd al- Fattāh al- Sīsī in the upcoming presidential elections. It stated that the Union is starting a European tour in order to explain the events that happened in Egypt during the last period as well as clarify facts...
Watanī reports on the contempt of religion cases in Egypt. The report refers to the EIPR report on the contempt of religion which counted 48 cases of blasphemy, mostly  directed at Christians after the January 2011 Revolution. The penalties were imposed communally like forced displacement and...
The novel follows a group of fellow addicts who gather on a Nile houseboat, the drug a withdrawal from the business of life. They belong to the enlightened bourgeoisie including a writer, a lawyer, a journalist, a real estate owner, an artist and a female translator. All these persons are bound...
Counselor ‘Umār Marwān, a spokesman for the Fact-finding Commission on the violence that took place since June 30 stated that the Commission has decided to send a report to the government about its visit to Luxor and Aswan and Sohag. He added that the commission has discovered in the visit that the...
It’s been five years since the June 30 Revolution aborted once and forever the Muslim Brotherhood Group’s dream of taking over Egypt. Nevertheless, the Muslim Brotherhood group and its followers still maintain its war against the Egyptian people imagining it possible to return to power.


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