Displaying 291 - 300 of 1654.
Recently, the General Authority for Cultural Palaces reprinted the book “The Making of Egypt” [Takwīn Miṣr] by Muḥammad Shafīq Ghurbāl. According to the new edition’s introduction by Dr. Kamāl Mughīth, “The Making of Egypt” is a unique book that came as an urgent cultural and national response...
In the post-colonial Arab and Islamic states, the political mentality and culture were dominated by two models that originated from different mental and cultural sources and led to similar results, including the consolidation of the unilateral view, the curtailment of differences, and the quest for...
During recent weeks, two new books came to light in the USA addressing an important period of the contemporary history of Egypt, namely from January 2011 till the current phase. The 1st book is entitled “The World as It Is: A Memoir of the Obama White House”, by Ben Rhodes, US Deputy National...
Interim President of Egypt Adly Mansūr visited Saint Mark’s Cathedral in ‘Abbasiyyah yesterday to offer his best wishes for the Christmas celebrations. He was the first president to visit the cathedral since Anwar al-Sādāt 42 years ago. Pope Tawadros delivered a speech to mark the visit, attended...
Anas al-Tikrītī’s British bank accounts, alongside those of his family and his famed organization, Cordoba Foundation, have been closed by the British government.
Bishop Pochmious, Bishop of Beheira, also voted on the referendum and stated that the draft Constitution meets the aspiration of all segments of the Egyptian people (Muhammad al-‘Isaawī, al-Tahrīr, Jan. 15, p. 12). Read original text in Arabic.
Sāmir Nasīm, a young Coptic man in his thirties who owns a computer maintenance shop in Bāb al- Lūk in Cairo, has resorted to hanging a piece of paper saying “It is prohibited to discuss politics” in the shop.
After decades of tension between the state and the church in Egypt over many thorny issues, their relations have flourished in recent years, especially after the exclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood from the political scene in 2013.
Thank you for inviting me to this conference organized by UN Global Compact in the "Private Sector's Contribution in Supporting Interfaith Understanding" session. It is a great honor to be with you and I see this as a recognition for the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation work in our...
Al-Karma Publishers has reprinted a special series called “Al-Karma Selections” that comprises till now over 20 books that were already published in previous years and missed by the readers. One of these books is “Margins on the Arab Conquest” by Sanāʾ al-Maṣrī, the book was published in 1996 and...


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