Displaying 371 - 380 of 1654.
Background:  Witnesses of the 1996 terrorist attack on tourists in a Cairo hotel (killing 17 Greek tourists) report what they have seen and how they evaluate the situation. At a press conference, Egyptian diplomat ʾUsāma al-Bāz addresses his government’s policy toward Sudan and the state of the...
Background:  Tūjān al-Faīṣal, the first female member of the Jordanian parliament, talks in English about fundamentalism in Jordan, the people’s demand for reforms, a leader and their attitude toward Israel. In Arabic, she speaks about progress in the influence of women in politics. Two unnamed...
Background: At an assembly at the American University in Cairo (AUC) on 22 November 1995, guest speakers Dr. ʿAbd al-Ḥalīm Nūr al-Dīn, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA – 1993-1996) and Professor Kent R. Weeks, were invited. Since the discovery of Tutankhamun’s work, the...
Background: The tomb of the sons of Rameses II (KV5) was discovered in February 1994 by Professor Kent R. Weeks, an American Egyptologist in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor. The tomb had been briefly and superficially explored before, but due to all the debris in the tomb, the preceding...
Background: The following tape concerns a recording for an EO radiobroadcast of Cornelis Hulsman interviewing a Jordan politician; ʿAbd al-Raʾūf al-Rawābdah in 1995; he became the Prime Minister of Jordan in 1999. The interview is in regards to the Jordan-Israeli peace settlements. The rest of the...
Background: The first part of the recording is a press conference by Foreign Minister ʿAmru Mūsā, who was speaking in both Arabic and English, during the 1996 Arab Summit which was held in Cairo, Egypt in which he was mainly discussing the Arab relations for cooperation and the peace process in...
Background: Cornelis Hulsman spoke at the Arab Thought Forum in Jordan, concerning the need for a media watch system that prevents any misreporting. After all, misreporting might cause conflicts and tensions between Muslims and Christians. Side A:  Prof. Ḥassan Nāfaʿa, Director of the Arab Thought...
Background: Eritrean official Eskain Menkerior explains Eritrea’s policy towards NGOs and Eritrea’s opposition to religious-sectarian political organisations. Another official from the Eritrean Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare explains the role of the ministry in reducing unemployment,...
Background: Eritrean officials give insights to their government’s social and educational development programmes and an assessment on current social statistics. Turning to the Eritrean-Ethiopian War, he talks from an Eritrean point of view about the course of the war, the role of the OAU, EU and UN...
Background: The recording contains interviews with three Eritreans who had been deported from Ethiopia. Their personal stories provide an insight to the Ethiopian deportation program and methods in this period. Side A:  The deportees tell their stories: Rosa Berhane (17): she was deported from the...


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