Displaying 631 - 640 of 1654.
‘Ālam al -Mashāhīr, a new Coptic weekly, for which Pope Shenouda will be writing and recommended by Bishop Bīsh?y is said to be a new rival for Watanī.
Pope Shenouda III rebuffs a proposition that mass should be recited in Arabic instead of the poorly understood Coptic language.
This article expresses alarm about the situation of Arab Christians in light of the sectarian feuds that are troubling Middle Eastern countries like Iraq and Lebanon.
Hulsman responds to questions about the role of Egyptian security in our struggle to obtain NGO status. Since week 53 of 2006 was mailed to subscribers on April 30, 2007 (see the editorial that always marks the date of publishing a specific week), this text was placed in week 53 of 2006.
A Brazilian Christian missionary distributed an e-mail with a story about the miraculous resurrection of a buried child that earlier had been discredited in an Egyptian publication. Nik Grossfield asks for care. As the Preacher says in Proverbs 15, “The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly,...
Drs. Hulsman criticizes the well-known American Evangelical writer Dr. David Aikman for presenting an article in support of Pope Benedict’s main arguments about Islām, claiming Islām not to be a religion of reason. Hulsman finds Aikman’s arguments an oversimplification and therefore doing injustice...
The author critizes an article by the German magazine Der Spiegel about Christians in the Middle East. She claims that the article distorts the reality of the situation in the declining Christian communities in the region.
The campaign launched by the Chairman of Copts United ‘Adlī Abādīr to remove the second article of the Constitution would have passed unnoticed if Bishop Marqus, the Coptic Church official spokesman who revealed that he supported amending the article, had not made a statement on the matter.
Majdī Khalīl categorizes the Coptic issues handled by the Egyptian press and media and into eight categories, and evaluates this handling.
AWR’s last interview with the late Dr. Isaac Fānūs. Comments on self-censorship, such as that of Dr. Otto Meinardus’ differences in writing and saying, which makes it hard for students of the church in Egypt to get a good understanding of the church’s position. Father Basilius of the Monastery of...


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