Displaying 781 - 790 of 1654.
The author outlines a number of views on the controversial issue of whether to remove the religion reference from Egyptian identity documents.
The author of this articledoes not present facts but a caricature of the Jewish Talmud. The author refers to a text with one reference to the Talmud and to another from Jewish medieval scholar Maimonides. The first text should be placed in its proper context and the second shows a remarkable...
The article highlights some of the most important issues regarding Muslim Brotherhood funding, their relations with the political regime and most importantly, the suspicions regarding their military arrangements.
Dr. Hammād cAbd Allāh Hammād criticizes some practices in the tourist sector in Egypt especially forbidding veiled women from entering certain tourist establishments.
The author links Israeli practices and the massacres in Lebanon and other Arab countries to texts of the Torah and urges Arabs to take a strong diplomatic stance and protest the killings and havoc in a neighboring Arab country.
A book about Christian Zionism that is essential for the understanding of the religious dimensions of American support for Israel.
Arab-West Report Editor in-Chief, Cornelis Hulsman, asked Archbishop Fitzgerald, the Catholic nuntius in Egypt, about the statements of Pope Benedict on Islām. Archbishop Fitzgerald speaks Arabic, knows the Islamic world well and plays Qur’ān important role in Muslim-Christian dialogue. The...
Articles about the self-appointed Archbishop Maximus. An iftar held by Dr. Hamdi Zaqzouq inviting H.H. Pope Shenouda and five other bishops. Continuing discussions about the request for NGO status for CAWU.
Two articles published about AWR in Dutch newspapers. The new request for NGO status.
The article concentrates on recent arguments amongst intellectuals and politicians over the removal of religious data from the Egyptian identification card.


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