Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
This text about Dutch Arabist and scholar of Islam Prof. Dr. Johannes (Hans) G. Jansen (1942-2015) is based on Cornelis Hulsman’s personal experiences with Prof.
The questions were formulated by Judith Bravenboer and Arnold Dekker for a VWO school research project (Lodensteincollege -6VWO) in Amersfoort, The Netherlands) based on information found in primarily Dutch media and an internet search.  They contacted Dr. Willem Jan de Wit who teaches at the...
Report about an Arab-West Report visit to Qufada in the district of Maghagha where we met with Shaykh Hamdi Abd al-Fattah and Father Yo’annis about Customary Reconciliation Sessions in Maghagha.  
Georgetown University PhD candidate Matthew Anderson went in July 2015 with Arab-West Report/Center for Arab-West Understanding to Maghagha were we met with several local people, Christians and Muslims, about the expulsion of an extended Christian family from Kafr Darwish following allegations of...
Unique study visit to Qufada, Maghagha, Minya where we will meet a local orfi judge who leads reconcilliation sessions and a local priest active in supporting the poor. On the road we will visit some beautiful locations.
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