Displaying 31 - 40 of 42.
As an intern at the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation, my main aim has been to foster intercultural relations between the West and the Arab world. Integrated in a research team, I had the opportunity to delve into precise topics (such as the issue of mosque building in Egypt), and...
Mr. Rajab 'Abd al-Munsif, Chairman of the Central Administration of the Curriculum and the Prophetic Sunnah. Mr.Hamdī Mahmūd Al-Dāwī, General Director of Manuscripts and the Heritage Book.  
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) inaugurated the new building of the MB party "Freedom and Justice" on May 21, 2011, in al-Muqattam. Each of both potential presidential candidate 'Amr Mūsá and Hamdīn Sabāhī, as well as 'Abd al-'Azīz Hijāzī, Rif'at al-Sa'īd, Sāmih 'Āshūr, Mahfūz 'Azām, Ambassador Rifā'...
Clerics and employees of State-Islamic religious institutions are demanding an end to what they say is rampant corruption by senior officials who manage religious endowments. Islamic scholars and employees of the Ministry of Awqaf [Endowments], who have protested every day in Cairo, demand an end...
  In an attempt to calm the escalating events of 'Ātfīh, the Ministry of Awqaf (endowments) decided to unify Friday sermons around the subject of national unity. Pope Shenouda returned to Egypt after a health treatment visit to the United States. He asked both [Christians and Muslims] religions...
The Ministry of Endowments cancelled a lecture by Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā yesterday at the al-Nūr mosque in ‘Abbāsiyyah, Cairo. The reason behind the cancellation was that the ministry fears al-‘Awwā might once again make controversial comments such as those made when he was responding to...
Sūfīs in Alexandria were surprised by the blatant attacks by the Ministry of Awqāf (Religious Endowments) on their shrines and mosques. The attacks included the devastation of shrines and replacing the mosques marble pillars with concrete ones, in addition to stealing the contents of a number of...
Today, many Copts are complaining about the hate messages delivered in the sermons of imāms. Such messages label Copts as pagans and encourage Muslims to correct such “sin”; additionally, Copts have been wrongfully accused of questionable allegations. These charges and solicitations have led to...
Ayūb traces the Waqf system in Egypt back through its history. The article mentions that the golden age of the Waqf system was the 12th-18th centuries. The system was continued throughout Muhammad ‘Alī’s era and he used revenue from the Waqf system to fund his own projects to modernize Egypt....
Zaynab Radwan, the deputy speaker of the parliament and a professor of Sharī‘ah recentlysubmitted a number of proposals to Parliament. Amongst other things, the proposals called for Bahā’īs’ rights to obtain formal documents and stated that Christian wives of Muslim men should be able to have a...


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