Displaying 1001 - 1010 of 1037.
Immediately after H.H. Pope Shenouda [Shinūda] heard of the murders in al-Koshh he sent two bishops, including Bishop Marcos [Marquṣ] of Shubra al-Khayma, to investigate this. I spoke with Bishop Marcos to offer him my condolences. Bishop Marcos gave me the list of names as Bishop Wissa [Wīṣā],...
This RNSAW was not only delayed because of the tremendous amount of extra work due to the killings in Al-Koshh but also due a decision of the South Cairo Court on January 2, 2000 to sent the wife of the editor of the RNSAW for one month to prison for an offense she never committed. The court...
The RNSAW interviewed Hafez Abu Seada upon the request of the American Council of Churches about the article in the Boston Globe and found that the Boston Globe and Hafez Abu Seada have talked at cross-purposes. Where Hafez Abu Seada spoke about human rights violations concerning all Egyptians,...
The RNSAW is pleased to introduce to you a new member of the Board of Advisors: The Revd. Dr. John Watson. Dr. John Watson is an Anglican scholar who was intimately involved in the campaign to release Pope Shenouda, after the arrest in 1981. He has published more than 500 articles, and three small...
Dr. Christiaan van Nispen s.j. spoke on Thursday November 3, 1999 in the Maadi Community Church in Cairo, Egypt about Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. He spoke of Coptic Christians as an integral part of Egyptian society and criticized foreign reporting on Christians in Egypt.
Iraqi Christians want Pope John Paul II to visit their country and speak out against the embargo, but the United States and other countries leading the sanctions against Iraq would just as soon he stay home.
Did the days of violence against Christians in Egypt return? In only two months time three Coptic Orthodox priests had been attacked. One of them was killed. So many attacks in such a short period have not happened in a long time. Copts abroad ring the alarm but Copts inside Egypt find that...
The RNSAW is glad to inform you that Prof. Dr. Mary Massoud, "Professor of English and Comparative Literature" at Ain Shams University, has agreed to serve on the board of advisors of the RNSAW. The RNSAW asked Dr. Massoud to introduce herself to you.
The RNSAW has made excerpts of the annual report on International Religious Freedom for 1999 with a focus on religious freedom in the Arab World; Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab...
Personal memories of Dr. William Qilada who supported the start of the RNSAW.


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