Displaying 931 - 940 of 1037.
Report of a visit to the location of the incident just hours after one Christian worker had been killed at the Patmos convent. The report describes the local situation, angry responses of local Christians and conflicting stories
Remark on articles in this issue about the incident around the Patmos Convent.
The author responds to a letter of Mr. Geir Valle of Norwegian Church Aid on Christian missionary work. It would benefit Muslim-Christian relations if both Muslims and Christians could see beyond any doubt that a Christian convert to Islam or a Muslim to Christianity was 100% genuine. That may be...
Christian Solidarity Worldwide is often mixed with Christian Solidarity International. This mix is understandable in the Arabic world. Arabic readers mix the two organizations because Worldwide and International are translated with the same Arabic word ’dawliya.’
Comment on the Copts Daily Digest’s reporting about difficulties around church building in Al-Ubur City
Christianity Today sent us several encouraging responses from readers about the articles on the Holy Family and Reviving an Ancient Faith. They are presented in this issue of the RNSAW with permission of Christianity Today. Hulsman responded to some of their comments.
Christianity Today published a long article by Cornelis Hulsman about H.H. Pope Shenouda and Father Matta el-Meskeen, two major reformers in the contemporary Coptic Orthodox Church. The article is presented in this issue of the RNSAW with permission of Christianity Today. You will find here...
Christianity Today published a cover page article of Cornelis Hulsman about the Coptic Orthodox tradition of the Flight to Egypt. The article is presented in this issue of the RNSAW with permission of Christianity Today. You will find here the text before it was edited by Christianity Today. It is...
The death of six Christians from Al-Qussia, including a priest, in a bus accident . The Coptic Orthodox Church in Sawada destroying the church of Saint Dimyana for the sake of building a new church but meanwhile the altarscreen and other artifacts of the old church were lost. The removal of the...
Report about a visit to the location of the church-to-be in Al-Ubur City. A practically empty spot of land in a desert which is designated for building was found. The location had not been ’stormed’ by police and no people had been arrested as the US Copts Association had claimed. Photographs of...


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