Displaying 941 - 950 of 1037.
News often gets reported without checking the facts. This is what WorldNetDaily.com did when it reported about the press release of the US Copts Association. Press releases such as this one create confusion and make Copts in the US grow apart from Copts in Egypt. Some activists in the US believe...
The press release of the US Copts Association gives a distorted picture of the events around the church in al-Ubur City. The RNSAW asked Coptic Orthodox Bishop Marcos of Shubra Al-Kheima, to whose diocese Medinet Al-Ubur or Al-Ubur City belongs, for information about the events.
Response to two reports of the Middle East Media Research Institute [MEMRI] about Jihad during Ramadan and plans of a prominent Egyptian actor to produce a series for TV based on the notoriously anti-Semitic "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
The November 23 article of Al-Musawwar, "Is the West still Dar Kufr," resulted four days later (November 28) in a campaign by the US Copts Association against the use of the word kuffar for Christians. The association claims that calling someone a ’kafir’ [’kafir’ is the singular of ’kufar’] is a...
The German Pontifical Mission Aid Society Missio organized a two-day conference with the title "Persecuted Christians? Analysis from Asia and Africa." Missio invited representatives from Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, the Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt to their conference who asked for care in using the word ’...
The Anglican General Synod of Australia accepted a resolution speaking about persecution of Christians in Egypt. The resolution was accepted without consulting the Anglican bishop in Cairo or Anglican experts in England who are well acquainted with the church in Egypt.
Two new members have joined the Advisory Board of the RNSAW. They are Dr. Tareq Mitri, the Program Executive for Christian-Muslim Relations and Dialogue of the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland, and Dr. Arne H. Fjeldstad, a Norwegian scholar with a Ph.D. in Internet Communications.
An emigrant Copt sent a letter to the editor-in-chief of Al-Ahali, complaining about an article by the Christian columnist Nagy George, who criticized Michael Meunier for writing lies in a press release claiming that the Egyptian police had fired rubber bullets against an exaggerated large number...
Ra’afat Al-Mehi’s film script "Hurghada...the Magic of Love" which deals with the issue of mixed marriages between Muslim men and Christian women is painful for Christians, not only because Christians oppose such mixed marriages but also because the location for Al-Mehi’s script is in Hurghada...
Michael Meunier, the maintainer of the Copts Daily Digest placed the link of an article of Mohammed Salmawy, editor-in-chief of the Al-Ahram Hebdo and chairman of the Arab Defense League, on the Digest he found Salmawy subtly criticized president Mubarak for blaming the Copts outside of Egypt for...


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