Displaying 991 - 1000 of 1037.
Fawzy Tag El-Din wrote in the Sout Al-Azhar of October 6 about Coulson’s work on Malik Ibn Anas and says he is a Dutch orientalist who is skeptical about the Sunna. The RNSAW consulted two scholars at Leiden University, which has a centuries old tradition of the study of Islam and Arabic. Dr. J.J.G...
Danger of Christian students isolating themselves in small groups in Egyptian universities. Discussing Father van Nispen’s book “Muslims and Christians, brothers before God” at Cairo University Dutch Christian group showing interest in AWR.
Bishop Egidio Sampieri has unexpectedly passed away on Monday August 28. The bishop died of a heart attack and is mourned by Catholics in Egypt.
There were no further questions and no deals were struck. "We do not yet know the status of the Ibn Khaldun Center, but will be petitioning soon for its reopening."
When Hulsman saw his interview published in Akher Sa’a in its issue of July 26 he found that Akher Sa’a had not mentioned that Hulsman opposed the arrest of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim and found it harmful for Egypt’s image abroad. He also stated that much of the Egyptian press had been engaged in...
As reported in the last issue of the RNSAW, 'Amīr S. Ibrāhīm, son of Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, expressed his readiness to respond to all questions related to allegations in the Egyptian press. Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm made a statement before the State Security Prosecutors and 'Amīr thinks this...
Peter Harrison, Cornelis Hulsman and Amir S. Ibrahim comment on the interview Akher Saa had with Drs. Cornelis Hulsman on the issue of the Ibn Khaldoun Center. Their comments correct things that was misinterpreted by the journalist who made the interview.
The 16-year-old Christian Briton, Hosea Walker converted to Islam, went to an Islamic training camp in Yemen where he has been shot dead. Hosea’s 17-year-old brother Malkay was in the same camp and returned home with the dead body.
Cornelis Hulsman met with both Hanaan Al-Badry and members of the Coptic Union in Washington in June 1999 and believes that the polarization between the two is reflected in the article Al-Badry wrote which in turn may have a reflection on Muslim readers of Rose el-Youssef.
[This article was written on the request of Christianity Today. See also their web site: http://www.christianitytoday.com] The killings in Al-Koshh were preceded by escalated tensions in which different parties, including exaggerations in the Western press about Al-Koshh in 1998, the role of...


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