Displaying 1 - 10 of 15.
A member of the Holy Synod’s Coptic History Committee, Coptic researcher Ibrāhīm al-Bājūshī, said the popes of the Coptic Orthodox Church have always been defending Jerusalem.
Having a PhD degree is not a guarantee for good academic work. Dr. Mahmoud Omar [Maḥmūd ʿUmar] may have been a good archeologist, but he ruined his own academic reputation by interpreting medieval traditions as historical facts, as descriptions that have actually happened.
More than 50 thousand Copts participated in the global day of prayer in the Monastery of Sama‘ān al-Kharāz in the district of al-Muqattam, Cairo governorate. 
Bishop Mūsá writes that pains and troubles in Egypt have caused Muslims and Christians to come closer together.
In Egypt a popular level of religion exists whereby celebrations of the Virgin Mary have had both Muslim and Christian participants.
Robeir al-Faris recently published a book entitled, ‘The Muslim Brothers (MB) and the Copts…Repercussions of Confrontation and Dialogue.’ The following article presents an overview of the book.
Interview about the achievements of H.H. Pope Shenouda, the first Coptic Orthodox reform Patriarch, changes during his reign and perspective on the future.
The spiritual Phenomenon of shinning lights in the churches of Assiut and at St. Mary´s Monastery has continued for more than two years now. The author says he witnessed this phenomenon himself. Many people who live in Assiut assert that they have seen such heavenly lights at the monastery since...
Pope Shenouda said that the claims of Israel to possess the land of Palestine upon the promise of God to them in the Torah have no true bases. Israel was not established by the promise of God but by the British Balfour Promise. He added that no one in the Islamic world accepts Israel´s...
God, blessed be His name, said in the holy Bible "Blessed be Egypt my people" [Isaiah 19:25-26, New International Version]. It is a great pleasure that the name of Mubārak


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