Displaying 1 - 10 of 14.
This article is an interview and discussion with Anba Mina, Abbot of Mar-Girgis Monastery in Khatatba, as well as some other ministers of the Church, about the religious ideals of Coptic Christians in Egypt. The author and interviewer desires to understand how the Church in Egypt is philosophically...
Bishop Bisantī of Ḥilwān and al-Ma‘sarah and one of the main references in the Coptic Orthodox Church asserted that the Coptic Orthodox Church has rejected all forms of foreign interference and has denied all allegations about the church’s intention to assign a successor to Pope Shenouda. Many...
Muslim holidays coincide with Coptic feasts this year. In an interview with al-Ahrām, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah, the Egyptian Muftī, speaks about the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ from a Muslim perspective. Demonstrating the status of Christ in Islām, the grand Muftī explains that Islām holds Christ...
The writer comments on an article written in a French newsmagazine which makes a prejudiced comparison between the image of Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad.
Last March the administrative court issued a ruling which aroused huge controversy when it decreed that the pope of the Coptic Church could issue remarriage permits to Coptic couples who had obtained divorce rulings from civil courts, but not marriage annulments from the church. The ruling was...
The author argues that the concept of jihad does exist in Christianity and Judaism as it exists in Islam. She even tries to give the impression that jihad in the sense of killing and violence is not the basic form of Jihad in Islam while it is as such in Christianity and Judaism.
The Holy Bible says: "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you" [Matthew 5:44, New International Version] and the Holy Qur’an says: "There is no compulsion in religion" [Chapter of Al-Baqara (the Cow) 2:256] "And if thy Lord had willed, He verily would have made mankind one nation" [Chapter of...
Christians as well as Muslims felt disgusted because of Rev. Jerry Falwell’s statement against Islam. The author wonders how it is possible that a cleric who is supposed to preach love and tolerance, insults Islam and contributes to what is not Christian.
Richard Lowry, a Christian American writer, wrote an article in the American magazine “National Review” in which he called for striking Mecca with an atomic bomb. Christians should realize how provocative this article is. What if a fanatic Muslim writer would make a similar call for the Church of...
The writer of Sawt Al-Umma article’s on the Archpriest should have asked himself whether the Torah and the Bible have been corrupted before or after Prophet Muhammad. If they were corrupted before Prophet Muhammad, then why did the Qur’an attest them? And if they were corrupted after Prophet...


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