Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
ʿAmrū Khālid was born in a well-off family in 1967 in Alexandria, Egypt. From 1998 onwards Khālid became a full time dāʿiyah as he expanded his enterprise to satellite-television with his first tele-preacher show. Khālid aims at a revival of the Arab world pointing to the current obvious...
Intellectual ‘Abd al-Wahhāb al-Misīrī asserts that preacher ‘Amr Khālid is a phenomenon worthy of study and attention.
In the second emission of the interview with Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib, the former Muftīī of Egypt discusses the Ḥijāb and Niqāb referring that there are far much serious issues that Muslims need to be occupied with instead. He refers to some foreign powers that try to attract Egypt Muslims by their...
The author advises Muslim youth on how to help their brothers in Iraq and Palestine. He believes that the war on Iraq is not the only crisis the Islamic umma [nation] is going through these days. He elaborates on the Qur´anic verse “Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people...
It is suggested that highly influential dā‘iya, cAmr Khālid is promoting a type of Islam that is acceptable to the United States, appeasing angry youth during the invasion of Iraq, thereby serving US interests in the area.
In this article, Mustafa Mahmoud speaks about the true meaning of Shari’a [Islamic law], to whom it has been given and on whose shoulders rests the responsibility of applying it. He comments on the attitude of those who exploit Shari’a in their demonstration saying what Khalid Mohammed Khalid said...
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