Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
Muslim holidays coincide with Coptic feasts this year. In an interview with al-Ahrām, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah, the Egyptian Muftī, speaks about the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ from a Muslim perspective. Demonstrating the status of Christ in Islām, the grand Muftī explains that Islām holds Christ...
Muḥammad ‘Aṭif discusses the concept of the unity of religions.
In the late 1999s, President Mubarak issued presidential decree No. 453 of 1999 which orders the referral of requests for repair and restoration of places of worship to architectural administrations in local authorities. But, some people did not like this presidential decree, as if they hate to see...
The writer discusses with the Mufti of Eritrea the issue of Muslim-non-Muslim relations [Editor: Eritrea is about 50% Muslim and 50% Christian, relations between Muslims and Christians in the country are generally very good].
The writer, Minister of Endowments, urges dialogue between different religions. He asserts that such dialogues will help in achieving peace and co-existence. He supports his argument with Qur´anic quotations.
September 11 was not the beginning of the associating of terrorism with Islam. The Crusades marked the beginning of the actual attack of the West against Islam. Because the West is apprehensive of the Islamic revival, many theories calling for attacking Islam appeared in the West. If Islam really...
[Kitabis: lit.: "people of the Book" i.e., Christians and Jews] The author believes that the Coptic candidate of the Wafd, Mounir Fakhri Abdel-Nour, suffered a ridiculous attack in the name of religion by his Muslim opponent who distributed a flyer including some Qur’anic verses, aiming to distract...
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