Displaying 1 - 10 of 15.
Wafā’ Shu‘ayrah reports on the lawsuits filed by Islamized Christians who want to convert back to Christianity.
Many scholars from all Islamic denominations insist that apostates should be sentenced to death although many of the Qur’ānic texts clearly assert the importance of freedom of thought and belief.
The author of the article argues that interfaith dialogue is not the solution for followers of different religions to overcome fanaticism, but rather that co-existence and respecting different beliefs are required.
The author discusses the different notions of ‘ridda’ and ideas of the punishment of the apostate as they appear in the Holy Qur’ān and the hadīths.
Islam set clear guidelines for human rights hundreds of years prior to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Islam respects human rights regardless of creed, sex or color.
A discussion of the Qur’ānic basis for hudoud, the punishment of specific crimes, and how the hudoud should be applied in society.
The author argues that Islam knows no violence, terrorism or compulsion and that Egypt’s Christians welcomed the Islamic conquests since they liberated their churches from the Byzantines and returned them to the Christians.
Legal battles between Shaykh Yousuf al-Badrī and human rights activists continue over the case of the priest’s wife, Wafā’ Costantine, who converted to Islam.
The muftī of Egypt speaks about human rights in Islam, arguing that Islam was the first to establish a constitution to protect man’s life and property and to grant him the right to freedom of belief and expression.
The prominent preacher Dr. Al-Ahmadi Abu Al-Nour, former Egyptian Minister of Awqaf [Religious Endowments] stressed that Muslims are the enemies of no one and that over the course of history Muslims have maintained a policy of co-existence and dialogue with ‘others’ [non-Muslims]. Abu Al-Nour said...


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