Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
The author discusses his view that Zionists are fighting all other divine religions and trying to impose their idea that every believer is a terrorist.
It is true that many Qur´anic verses mention that God preferred Jews to the whole world. However, God favored the people of Israel to all other peoples only when they believed in the Torah and obeyed His orders. God also promised them with the Holy Land. But when Moses asked them to enter the...
Muslim extremist sheikhs, the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups agree that a secularist is an unbeliever because he determines the type of relation he has with others according to the principle of citizenship. According to them, taking non-Muslims as friends is an act of unbelief even if...
The author criticizes the statement the Grand Imam has given concerning attacking the Israelis. She believes that the fact that he described the Israelis as innocent civilians means that he did not bring attention to the fact that they are occupiers of the lands of the Palestinians. She suggested...
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