Displaying 1 - 3 of 3.
?God?s Chosen People? is a Jewish claim as a result of the Torah being misinterpreted during the time of the Babylonian captivity. This claim reveals Jewish racism. The Qur?an and even Jewish scholars make it clear that the Torah has been misinterpreted.
It is true that many Qur´anic verses mention that God preferred Jews to the whole world. However, God favored the people of Israel to all other peoples only when they believed in the Torah and obeyed His orders. God also promised them with the Holy Land. But when Moses asked them to enter the...
Reforming the religious discourse means neither changing any of the bases of Islam nor being biased towards the group to which the religious discourse is directed. Also it is not only confined to developing the ways of Da´awa. Reforming the religious discourse means reforming the Islamic...
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