Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
The Faculty of Sharīʿa & Law in Cairo organized a symposium under the title ‘Principles of International Humanitarian Law and Common Denominators with the Principles of Islamic Sharīʿa.’
Dr. Shawqī  ͑Allām, Grand Muftī of Egypt, said everything the Prophet Muḥammad has said is part of the Islamic revelation by God Almighty.
In the aftermath of the brutal assassination of Palestinian American Aljazeera [al-Jazīra] reporter Shireen Abu Akleh [Shīrīn Abū ʿĀklih] (May 11th 2022) by occupying Israeli military forces in Jenin, our British friend William Morris, cofounder and Secretary General of the Next Century Foundation...
Al-Ahali has reported that the security services foiled an attempt to supply runaway members of the Gama?at al-Islāmīyah in Upper Egypt with weapons and ammunition. It has added that Muhammad al-Islamboli is against the ideological reconsiderations of the group. The Gama?at al-Islāmīyah have...
The writers report on the viewpoint of religious scholars concerning the fatwa of the Grand Imam, which permits loyalty to non-Muslims on the condition that they show real friendship and cooperation to Muslims.
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