Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Drs. Hulsman comments on a frequently referenced Qur’ānic verse that comments on compulsion in religion, and the misinterpretation that frequently accompanies the verse.
Muḥammad al-Badrī criticizes Dr. Muḥammad ‘Imārah’s position. He believes that as a scholar in the Azhar, Dr. cImārah should not adopt such destructive ideas that seem to oppose the notion of citizenship.
The author of the article [Reviewer: No name mentioned] criticizes a book entitled, ’ Dirāsāt Fi al-Firaq’ [Studies on Schisms] by Dr. ‘Abd al-Qādir al- Baḥrāwī, a professor of Islamic Philosophy and the head of the Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Arts, Banhā University, for regarding...
The author of the article published in the newspaper of Al-Midan under the title “Beware of the movie “The Passion of the Christ.,” like many other unknowledgeable writers, accused Christians of unbelief. Some people mistakenly believe that Christianity is a religion of multiple gods. Those people...
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