Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
Drs. Hulsman and Dr. Burslem provide a detailed report on Muslim-Christian relations based on a review of Dr. Hugh Goddard’s book, commenting on a number of issues including Western perceptions, mis-interpretations, and examples of recent incidents involving Muslims and Christians.
The article presents a personal impression of a trip to Dayr Abū Ḥinnis, and includes discussions on Muslim-Christian relations and church building.
A children’s encyclopedia that interprets the Qur’ān attacks Christians and Jews, charges them with kufr [apostasy] and calls on Muslims to fight against them.
In one of his books, Dr. ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Rahmān interprets the Sūrah of al-Tawbah [Chapter of Repentance] as a divine order that supports killing non-Muslims unless they convert to Islam. However, the author cites a more moderate interpretation, saying that it is meant to straighten the behavior of...
Muhammad Zuhdī presents an overview of three books that deal with heated Islamic topics, such as the causes of the revelation of Qur’ānic verses, the extent of religious freedom in Islām and the necessity of renewing Islamic discourse.
Tal‘at Radwān, author of the article, reviews three books on political Islam by three different writers.
The author argues that Copts’ blood and honor are targeted by the state, as represented by the security authorities and extremists.
Many Muslims believe that Christians in the West have never given up the idea of the Crusades and missionaries work hand in hand with Western imperialists. The Bishop concludes that the Crusades occurred as a result of ignorance of Christ's teachings and love. The church today views the Crusades as...
Destour published a text of extremists calling for the death of three Coptic businessmen which led to the subsequent closure of the newspaper and a discussion in the Egyptian press on the (limits of the) freedom of the press. In this week’s translation only the text of the statement of the...
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