Displaying 31 - 40 of 65.
The author criticizes the fatwá of Dr. ‘Ali Jum‘ah, which makes it permissible for mobile phone networks to fix antennas to the minarets of mosques.
The article discusses extremist ideologies originating from wahābī oil countries, which consider women to be devils and propagate misunderstanding of certain hadīths in a way offensive to women.
Tāriq Mustafá presents various opinions over allegedly false hadīths about the torture of women in hell sent to Muslims living abroad.
Recent studies reveal that the majority of Internet websites and religious satellite channels focus on theology, but fail to address vital issues in Muslims’ lives.
The review deals with a fatwa by Muftī of the Republic Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a on the right of a non-Muslim mother to retain custody of her children in the case of her husband’s conversion to Islam in light of a lawsuit filed by a Christian convert to Islam who claimed the right to custody of his...
Azhar clerics reject the court ruling granting the Bahā’is the right to recognize their religion in official papers and deem them apostates.
Some people consider themselves as da‘iyas, although they are neither scholars of Qur’ān and Hadīth nor graduates of the Azhar. Such people are also being hosted on religion programs, on which they spread strange fatwas.
Zaynab ‘Abd al-Ilāh, author of the article, sheds light upon how the two newly-innovated types of marriages, friend and Misyār marriage, have met with controversial views from Islamic clerics.
Despite being accepted in the Islamic sharī‘a, the misyār marriage, in which the husband and wife do not live together, has always been a subject of heated controversy among Muslim scholars.
Some people expect Sunni- Shi’ite disturbances to break out in Egypt. Professor of Usoul al-Dīn [Fundamentals of religion] at the Azhar University, Dr. Āmina Nusīr argues that deep sectarian divisions can undermine the stability and unity of the Muslim umma [nation].


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