Displaying 211 - 220 of 383.
A critique of the article of Dr. Zeinab Abdel Aziz by the AWR Board of Advisors consisting of both Muslims and Christians. Dr. Abdel Aziz has the full right to defend Islam and to critique Westerners and Christians who engage in slander of Islam but she should not generalize, take Bible quotes out...
A new craze, allegedly started by al-Jamā‘āt al-Islāmiyya, has swept the beaches of al-‘Ajamī [al-‘Agamī] this year. Posters have appeared calling on the summer vacationers to enjoy themselves whilst behaving in an Islamic way, lowering their gazes and remembering their prayers.
Presidential and parliamentary election laws ban using religious logos in order to sustain national unity. Although all parliament members agreed on the concept of national unity, a huge debate, about whether to use religious logos or not, continued for almost two hours.
Muslims are no doubt responsible for their religion being abused. They helped through their actions, which are not related to Islamic teachings, in accusing their religion of terrorism and blood thirst.
The MEMRI writes many of its translations “bring honor and respect to the Arab world and show it isn´t made up of radicals only.” Hulsman provides examples of MEMRI placing some of their translations in a wrong context.
Islām al-Dukānī reports on a ’deviated’ Islamic group in the U.S. that calls itself the ’Nation of Islam,’ believing that this group forms one of the threats on Islam as it adopts certain beliefs that distort the image of Islam in the West.
The Qur´an and the true sunna are the only reference points that Muslims should abide by. Each of them must be treated as a whole unit. When discussing the opinion of the Qur´an concerning a certain issue, all verses dealing with that issue should be taken into account. Partial...
It is clear from the comments on Bat Ye´or´s article, that not all the points she discussed have been responded to. For example, what she says concerning the fact that jihad belongs to the religious domain and cannot be discussed and the feeling of superiority in Islam.
The Jewish American writer Bat Ye´or published on July 1, 2002, an article on jihad in Islam on the Internet. The article is full of mistakes. It misperceives and distorts the concept of jihad. Dr. Abdel-Mo´ti Bayoumi refutes these mistakes.
The Creed and Philosophy Committee in the Islamic Research Institute has decided to give the apostate a lifetime chance to recant his apostate ideas and not only a three-day chance as is laid down in the Islamic fiqh [jurisdiction]. The article shows the pros and cons to this decision.


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