Displaying 51 - 60 of 194.
A well-known Christian journalist, Mufid Fawzy, described Sheikh Amr Khaled as Don Juan and Rasputin and associated his traveling to England with the decision of a young actress to remove her veil. His words were met with angry reactions. Khaled?s supporters started a new campaign to make the...
Ma?amoun Al-Hodeibi becomes general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Saudi Minister of Interior said that the Brotherhood is the reason behind the problems in the Arab World and even the Islamic world. Al-Hodeibi says that the brothers in Saudi Arabia have never committed anything against the...
Al-Wafd and al-Usboa papers are positive toward the Yemeni Shaykh al-Habib al-Gafri and against the decision to deport him. Sout al-Ummah, however, believes that better than deporting him would be to disclose his deception. al-Musawwar interviews him on the reasons behind his deportation and his...
Muḥammad Nāṣir discusses the idea of the Azhar having a satellite channel.
The article talks about the event that occurred in the book exhibition between some Muslim and Christian youths and ended in a State Security Investigation, because the youths tried to distribute free Bibles to Muslims, which is considered an act of proselytizing.
The articles review the mistakes in reciting the Qur’ān by ‘Amr Khālid and the reaction of the Islamic Research Academy to prevent his cassettes from being sold until he corrects these mistakes.
Comment on lack of tolerance for differences in views, often related to religious principles and displayed in various media. Two Cairo lectures by William Dalrymple show a strong Christian population decline in the Arab World.
The article talks about the chaos of Fatwás being issued on TV by a number of unofficial Muftīs. It also mentions the statement of the Islamic Research Academy regarding these Fatwás which marks the end of the satellite Fatwás.
The Egyptian Coptic Evangelical Church is accused of receiving support from American fundamentalist pastors that are loyal to America and believe in Israel’s rights in Palestine.
‘Abd Allāh Kamāl defends the policy and aims of Rose al-Yūsuf, which has been strongly attacked after issuing a number of articles against dā‘iyah [Islamic preacher] ‘Amr Khālid and some Islamic concepts, such as Ḥijāb and Niqāb.


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