Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Rev. Safwat al-Bayādī, president of the Protestant churches of Egypt, believes the amended constitution submitted to Egypt for referendum January 14-15, is 85 percent positive. As one of the fifty committee members, he described his experiences, both positive and negative, to Arab West Report on...
Karima, the youngest daughter of a poor Christian villager in Durunka is the heroine of the latest story of conversions of young Christian girls to Islām. Karima’s attempted conversion was about to ignite the fire of strife in Assiut.
Assiut Governor, Maj. General Ahmed Hammam Attiya, submitted a detailed report to Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif on the so-called incidents of sectarian strife in Assiut during a recent meeting of the Governors Council.
Last week witnessed wrathful demonstrations of thousands of Copts who conducted a five-day sit-in at the premises of St Mark’s cathedral at Abassiya, Cairo, which is also the papal seat. They were demanding the return of a priest’s wife who had disappeared under suspicious circumstances, and who,...
The clerical council of Assiut is expected to issue a public statement to explain maters since the file on the problems of the building and restoration of churches and the preservation of religious sites in Assiut was opened last week. It is hoped that all evidence of the implication of local...
The long pent – up in Assiut finally exploded last week. For anyone close to the events, this came as no surprise. In fact it was bound to happen as long as religious discrimination was left unchecked, allowed to spread without the slightest attempt at any correction or cure, and as long as...
Like an ice ball, sectarian sedition feeds on all it encounters en route, thus growing larger and more threatening to national unity in Egypt, read a feature by Al-Arabi! A few days back, sectarian sedition flames came to the surface in Assiut with one of the National Democratic Party NDP leaders...
This report explains the escalations following the alleged conversion of a priest’s wife to Islam. Much background is given to the cultural context that explain why such an issue is so sensitive in Egypt. The report also shows that several of the organizers of the demonstration in Cairo have done...
Watani commented on the TV program "The third opinion," which debated the status of Copts in Egypt and the repercussions of the US committee’s visit, writing that it is "the drummer to whose beat the debate is run." The presenter of the program replied to the comment saying that such a program,...
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