Displaying 51 - 60 of 76.
By listening to Muhammad Mehdi Akef, the seventh guide of the Islamist organization founded in 1928 by Hassan Al-Banna, one has a feeling of dealing with a personality that is regarded as the "pope" of Islam.
People in the Gama’at al-Islamiya have been talking in the past three months about the initiative to end violence and ideological revisions made by the Gama’at Al-Islamiya and the Jihad group. In spite of these initiatives, security forces foiled attempts to revive the activities of organizations...
The article gives a brief historical overview of how the different Islamic groups spread their authority over the political activities of universities in Egypt. The Gama’at Al-Islamiya started in the 1970s, declined in the 1980s and disappeared in the 1990s. The Brotherhood concentrated on poor...
The first deputy of the supreme guide of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Muhammad Al-Sayyed Habib, denied that the Muslim Brotherhood is afraid of the formation of the Al-Wasat Al-Islami [The Islamic Middle] Party, most of whose members are dissenters from the Brotherhood. Habib said that he...
Abu Al-Ela Madi denied that the Brotherhood is the source of Al-Wasat [the middle] Party's ideology and program as asserted by the Brotherhood supreme guide. "The Brotherhood is an all-inclusive da'wa-oriented, reform group while we are a civil, political party specialized in politics and political...
The sparks of sectarian strife increases daily, and everyone must take a firm stance on the issue in order to quell that fire. This time, sectarian strife is seen through the media in the press and on satellite channels, which anger both Muslims and Christians.
The Egyptian authorities accused the Muslim Brotherhood of sending some members to receive training on arms in the framework of the group’s effort to overthrow the government by force. The authorities closed down 20 commercial and economic enterprises owned by the group, after they [the authorities...
This operation was the largest against the Muslim Brotherhood since the Sayyed Qutb case in 1965. Security forces arrested 52 leading figures of the Muslim Brotherhood in addition to their search for six fugitives. Security forces confiscated 4.5 million pounds that were designated to fund the...
When Mukhtār Nouh was released in 2002, he carried a reconciliation initiative between the government and the Muslim Brotherhood. Yet, his initiative was rejected by the elders of the Brotherhood who distrust a government that arrests and tortures its members and aims at eradicating the group.
Al-Arabi received many comments on its article "Al-Awa’s fatwa ignites controversy in Al-Wasat" published on November 4. The deputy of Al-Wasat Party said that the article attributed to him things he did not say. The article also claimed that Mamdouh Ismail and Gamal Sultan are members of Al-Wasat...


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