Displaying 51 - 60 of 68.
Muhammad Said Al-Ashmawi criticizes statements by the seventh supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Mahdi ‘Akef, in TV and newspapers interviews. ‘Akef stated the Muslim Brotherhood is a political group. The author concludes affirming that the declarations of Muhammad Mahdi ‘Akef are...
The article discusses the subject of Gnostic Christianity or sacred knowledge in Christianity. The author associates between the faith of Ikhnaton, ancient Egyptian pharaoh and Gnostic Christianity.
A special version of the book containing the Gnostic scriptures was released in the United States in English, translated from Coptic in 1977. Later a public version was released in 1981 under the name of “Nag Hammadi library.” The book contains 47 pieces including a paper by Plato. The...
Has President Mubarak’s call to renew religious thought been seriously tackled on all levels of the ruling party and the government-owned media or not? Al-Liwaa’ Al-Islami, owned by the ruling National Democratic Party, continued its attack on secularists on the pretext that secularists are...
The Ministry of Culture has been organizing the annual Cairo International Book Fair (CIBF) since it was first established in 1969. The CIBF, which reflects both the Egyptian and the Arabic cultures, is the largest and the most important book fair in the Arab world. This year, publishers and the...
Terrorism starts with words. If these words are religious, they include misinterpreted Qur’anic verses. If they are not about religion, they are about struggle, liberation and the like. There are many verses in the Qur’an speaking about mercy and good morals. Some people, however, avoid such...
Reforming the religious discourse is a must. Reforming Islamic jurisprudence requires interpretation based on reason not the text, and modernization not traditional ways, so that jurisprudents and Islamic scholars can find in Islam new rules and modern principles to motivate the reason and inspire...
Associating religion with a certain regime or institution wrongs religion and turns it into a mere temporary and worldly formula that stops at personal conflicts and financial interests. True religion does not focus on establishing regimes but cares in the first place about planting the true faith...
Knowledge is essential to understand religion and religion is useless without it. Most Muslims do not pay much attention to this fact. Islam is a simple religion and therefore it is the religion of the world and humanity. If people stay simple they will find themselves part of the world and...
The revelation of each Qur’anic verse is related to certain events. It is necessary to know such events to understand the verse properly and apply it aptly. Muslims should know the time and the occasion in which a certain verse can be applied, in order to avoid problems and confusion.


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