Date of source: الأحد, تشرين الثاني (نوفمبر) 4, 2001
The author comments on Youssef
Sidhom’s editorial in "Watani" titled "Why did Egyptian Students demonstrate?" He believes that the ideas Sidhom
expressed are strange ideas outside the bounds of the Egyptian Orthodox-church, as they do not support the
Palestinian struggle against Israel. He also...
Date of source: الاثنين, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 29, 2001
A look at history will show that Arab
Christians have always been on the side of their fellow Arab Muslims. Mohammed Auda stressed that Arab Christians
were Arabs in the full sense of the word. Fahmi Howeidi pointed out that Huntington, in his theory about the clash
between civilizations, put...
Date of source: السبت, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 27, 2001
The grand prelate Anba Gregorios was different from all the other bishops who are filling all kinds of churches. He was most erudite in theology, a saint in spirituality, an ascetic in monasticism and a ferocious fighter who was willing to wage a fierce war in defense of the faith.
Date of source: الأربعاء, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 17, 2001
In cooperation with the Egyptian Committee for Consolidating National Unity, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies held a seminar about the new international developments and their impact on Egyptian national unity. All participants condemned the terrorist attacks against America and...
Date of source: الثلاثاء, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 16, 2001
Interview about the opinion of the Coptic Orthodox Church on the attack on September 11 and the attack on Afghanistan. The bishop is criticizing Egyptian media and fears escalation.
Date of source: الجمعة, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 12, 2001
In answering a question about what the attitude of Arab Christians would be if America’s attacks against Afghanistan turned into a religious ideological war, the author pointed out the fact that Pope Michael, who was the pope during the Crusades and after him Pope Kyrillos VI and Pope Shenouda were...
Date of source: الخميس, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 11, 2001
Al-Ahrām Center for Political and Strategic Studies held a seminar about the effects of the recent terrorist attacks in America on national unity in Egypt. Both the [Grand] Shaykh of the Azhar and Pope Shnūdāh stressed that there was no fear about Egyptians’ national unity, which is unique in its...
Date of source: الجمعة, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 12, 2001
Pope Shenouda speaks about the attack on the World Trace Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington and denounced the barbarous acts against Arabs in the US following the attacks. Fighting terrorism is fighting its causes. Palestinian attacks on Israel is legitimate resistance, not...
Date of source: الاثنين, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 1, 2001
Tomorrow, Pope Shenouda and the Governor of Sinai will lay the foundation stone for a new Orthodox church in Al-Tur city in Sinai.
Date of source: الأحد, أيلول (سبتمبر) 30, 2001
An international festival for Coptic music and melodies, entitled "The Eternal Nile" was held in Paris. It was organized jointly by the Coptic Association in France and the Syndicate du Personnel de l’ UNESCO."