Displaying 2511 - 2520 of 3463.
Pope Shenouda III hailed national unity in Egypt during his meeting with the Cypriot president at the Egyptian embassy in Nicosia. He thanked president Mubarak for declaring January 7 a national feast for all Egyptians.
Pope Shenouda speaks to Al-Musawwar about many issues concerning terrorism, the situation in Palestine, the expected American war against Iraq and the decision of President Mubarak that established Coptic Christmas as a national holiday.
Muslim and Christian men of religion argue against cloning human beings
In al-Musawwar magazine’sinterview with the grand Shaykh of the Azhar, Sayyid Muhammad Ṭanṭāwī, Shaykh Ṭanṭāwī expressed his opinion and attitude on all the issues on the Arab and Islamic scenes.
During a lengthy interview, Pope Shenouda discusses Coptic identity and history, the Palestinian question, the churches support of President Mubārak in the upcoming elections, the issue of national unity in Egypt and much more.
Discussions in Arab media on interpretation of the Islamic sharīa.Excellent interview with Pope Shenouda about sensitive topics.Dr. Hassan Wagīh about religious discourse and Western media taking verses of the Holy Qur’ān out of context.
The Archbishopric of Jīza filed a petition to Pope Shenouda III yesterday requesting that Father Filopātīr Jamīl’s suspension be extended until after the parliamentary elections, but the request has been rejected by the Assembly of Civil Society Organizations.
Father Filopātīr has resigned from the Ghad Party, stating that Ayman Nour’s political platform would impinge on the security of the nation, since he promised the immediate release of all political detainees, including those detained for religion-related issues and he would allow the Muslim...
Bishop Yuānnis speaks about the church in the modern age, arguing that though some laws do need to be updated, there is a general failure to recognize the positive aspects of the church’s laws, in particular those forbidding divorce. He also denies claims that the leading religious authorities are...
The era of President Husnī Mubārak has witnessed some kind of balanced relations in a way that was not available in the previous one.


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